Tacoma 社区 College has served the 社区 since 1965. 超过50万名学生 已经获得了转到四年制大学或专业技术学校的副学士学位 开启新事业的证书. 其他人来TCC学习英语,得到 high school and college credentials or start fresh. 澳门威尼斯人在线赌场的许多学生都是成年人 learners, or people who seek a better life and career through a college education. At TCC, our doors are always open and accessible to anyone who wishes to learn.
Much has changed since we opened the first college building in 1965. 但澳门威尼斯人在线赌场的精神 一直保持不变. At TCC, we are welcoming, supportive and committed to student 成功. This spirit is an important piece of us that continues to lead us into the 未来.
《澳门威尼斯人在线赌场》将成为TCC打造强大未来的指南 为了澳门威尼斯人在线赌场的学生和社区.
一年的旅程的高潮,学生,教职员工聚集在一起的焦点 groups, a “Future Summit,” and work sessions to dream up ideas about what TCC can 在未来五年内成为. This was a highly collaborative effort, where people 来自各个学科和部门的声音,想法和意见,通过 一个集体的和有意的过程.
This strategic plan is meant to have real impact on our college 社区. 澳门威尼斯人在线赌场开发了 核心主题、目标、宗旨和行动计划,不仅推动澳门威尼斯人在线赌场的新使命 and vision, but to improve TCC and position it well for the 未来. 学生体验 Statement emphasizes TCC’s most important audience: Our students. 澳门威尼斯人在线赌场的新价值观 是澳门威尼斯人在线赌场工作的核心和灵魂吗.
澳门威尼斯人在线赌场的计划是令人兴奋的,新颖的. 它将为TCC设定未来五年的议程 years as we build upon six decades of excellence of quality higher education.
作为社区的大学,澳门威尼斯人在线赌场创造有意义的学习,促进公平,并加强 学生和社区的成功.
We engage students where they are, leading to equitable opportunities for 成功
澳门威尼斯人在线赌场旨在提供高质量的教育,以变革为例 学生的经验. 学生经历的特点是:
- 一个学术严谨和相关的教育,培养对学习的热爱和 个人成长;
- 通过与教职员工建立有意义的关系而产生的归属感 他们反映了学生群体的多样性;
- 个性化和可访问的支持服务,满足每个人的个性化需求 student; and
- clearly defined pathways to completion, transfer, and career placement.
澳门威尼斯人在线赌场的教职员工和管理人员都支持这种体验 :
- 一个包容和热情的社区,致力于公平的教育成果 所有的学生;
- a student-ready institution equipped to serve all learners;
- an ongoing commitment to eliminating barriers to 学生的成功; and
- a culture reflecting compassion, respect, and continuous improvement in service of 当地社区.
Core Theme 1: Advancing 公平、多元化和包容
We empower students, faculty, and staff through equitable access to opportunities, 知识和资源.
澳门威尼斯人在线赌场鼓励和挑战学生在支持性的教学和学习中脱颖而出 环境.
Core Theme 3: Strengthening 社区 Partnerships
澳门威尼斯人在线赌场通过预测和满足澳门威尼斯人在线赌场的需求来建设一个可持续发展的未来 社区.
Sopang Men, Professor, Communication and Transitional Studies
Ashley Caughell, Program Specialist, TCC 体育运动
Analea Brauburger, Dean, Organizational Learning and Effectiveness
Tamyra Howser, Executive Director, Marketing + Communications
协调员: 克里斯汀劳森
领导团队: 伊万·哈雷尔,比尔·雷伯格,卡尔·史密斯,朱迪·洛夫莱斯-莫里斯,帕蒂·麦克雷-罗伯茨,
团队领导: 帕特里克·布朗,勒奈特·克鲁蒂,詹妮弗·方丹,玛丽·福克斯,夏尔·戈尔,凯蒂·古利福德,
Stephen Smith, Christopher Soran, Katrina Taylor, Candice Watkins
策略规划委员会: Iyad Alaqrabawi; Susan Bennet; Julie Benson; Amber Brock; Walter Chien; Sabine Endicott;
John Falskow; Steven Fontana; Krista Fox; Ralph Hitz; Dave Howard; Phil Hunter; Victoria
Ichungwa; Joanne Iverson; Melanie Johnson; Clay Krauss; Meredith LaFlesh; Denise Levine;
Sarah Lewandowski-Noble; Patricia Mede; James Mendoza; Sakura Moses; James Newman;
Mary Jane Oberhofer; Carlos Otero; Scott Perkins; Kenneth Pimpleton; Shannon Pressley;
Nora Price; Katy Ray; James Reisdorf; Kelley Sadler; Sultana Shabazz; Amunoo Tembo;
Stephanie Thompson; Heather Urschel; Kim Ward; Angela Wheeler
校园Works公司: 莉兹·墨菲和凯文·大卫